@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE@LENGL@TSlowly (1976)@TCharles Aznavour@TParoles: Herbert Kretzmer@TMusique: Charles Aznavour@T---------------------------------------------------@TSéquencé et karaoké par frudek (©) 03.2007@TPour le forum "www.kentrenous.org"
~Créé par frudek~
Slowly, slowly
Life's to short to be caught on the run
If you don't want to miss half the fun,
Take it slowly, simply, slightly...
Let the world go insane if it must,
Yet your love will remain
if we just play is lighty.
I used to chase the hours all the day
No time to see the flowers on the way
To many worries on my mind,
Until I finaly got the lowdown
Slow down.
'Cause'only slowly do we know
what is real, what is true
As the years come and go, let me grow
slowly with you.
To run too fast won't get you any where
Remember how the tortoise beat the hare!
Old Mister Lizard, he was wise
To recognise a slow beginner
and'the winner
'Cause'only slowly do we know what is real,
what is true
As the years come and go,
I will go slowly with you.
As the years come and go,
I will go slowly wi~th you... |