Polk salad Annie.kar

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@LENGL@TPolk Salad Annie@TJohnny HALLYDAY (kar=frudek)

[Johnny Hallyday=JH] et TonyWhite=TW

JH==> [Down in Lou'siana,

Where the alligators grow so mean,

There lived a girl that

I swear to the world,

Made the alligators look tame

Polk Salad Annie

Polk Salad Annie

Everybody said it was a shame

'Cause her mama was a workin on the chain gang

(parlé) I mean vicious ! ]

TW==> Her daddy was lazy and no-count

Claimed he had a bad back

And all her brothers were fit for

Was stealin watermelons out of my truck patch

Polk Salad Annie

The gators got your granny

Everybody said it was a shame

'Cause her mama was a workin on the chain gang

(parlé) A wretched, spiteful !


Every day 'fore suppertime

She'd go down by the truck patch

And pick her a mess o' polk salad

And carry it home in a tote sack

Polk Salad Annie

The gators got your granny

JH==> [Everybody said it was a shame

Cause her mama was a workin on the chain gang ]

TW==> Sock a little polk salad to me

You know I need me a mess of it ...

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